Carer Consultation

CEED offers Carer Consultations to share direct lived experience of caring for a young person with an eating disorder, engaging in FBT treatment and treatment post FBT. They are available as a support and resource for public mental health clinicians and services in their work with families. Incorporating the lived experience into the breadth of information and resources available in treatment and recovery is another valued intervention available for clinicians and services to provide to families and carers.

Ways in which teams have benefited from the Carer Consultant input include:

  • Attending virtually (via video or tele-conference) or in person at sessions with the family and treating clinicians. Typical reasons services may consider this include families who are ‘stuck’, isolated, not convinced about the treatment modality or plan being recommended and offered or unclear of their role in treatment, or that recovery is possible, parents not on the same page, baulking at some of the extreme measures needed to ensure recovery. Some families initiate the process by requesting access to someone who has ‘done it’. Carer consultations always involve a CEED clinician and the local clinicians. The carer consultant role is not to provide peer support one on one to families.
  • Carer developed resources which can be provided to families on commencement of FBT called “Family Matters Tip Sheets”. These are available through our Resources and Links page on our website – simply type Family Matters in the search box.

Click here for our Carer Consultation Flyer

If your service would like to request a Carer Consultation, please use the Consultation Request form (LINK)

To talk about what the Carer Consultant can offer, please contact CEED on

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