Dear Health Professional,
Thank you for contacting the Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders (CEED). CEED provides case consultation, training and service development support to public mental health clinicians and services treating individuals with eating disorders, and their families.
Privacy Note
Information about your patient or client provided with this form and during the course of a consultation may be provided in de-identified form, to protect the privacy of your patient. However, information you provide may directly, indirectly or inadvertently disclose information about your patient or client, which may identify them. Information regarding patients who may reasonably be identified from that information is subject to the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014(Vic).
If it is likely the disclosed information will identify your patient or client, you should obtain the consent of your patient or client prior to discussing their case with CEED. Information you provide (whether or not that information identifies your patient or client) will be kept confidential by CEED as required by law.
Position of CEED on Clinical Responsibility for Patients
In the course of a secondary consultation, CEED Eating Disorder Clinicians may provide information, advice and recommendations based on the clinical information you provide. Whilst every effort is made to provide accurate and pertinent information and advice, any information or advice provided by CEED is necessarily based on the clinical information you provide. We do not independently verify that information. Accordingly, you are required to evaluate our advice and recommendations for application in the specific circumstances of your patient.
CEED emphasises that the purpose of the secondary consultation is to provide you, the treating health professional, with advice and assistance regarding the identification, treatment and management of eating disorders. The patient in respect of whom the consultation is sought remains your patient and responsibility for the ongoing clinical care of the patient remains with you at all times and CEED does not assume any responsibility for the treatment of your patient.
Clinical Team
Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders
I have read and agree with the CEED policy regarding privacy and clinical responsibility for patients as outlined above.