Stuck & not eating! Anorexia/restrictive eating disorders: parents’ meal support tips
Stuck & not eating! Anorexia/restrictive eating disorders: parents’ meal support tips

What can parents do when in spite of their support,their child (whatever their age) seems stuck part-way through a meal, or at the start, or close to the end? How long should you keep someone from anorexia (or another restrictive eating disorder) at the table? What about incentives and leverage/sanctions? What to do about the missing calories? Should you be offering alternative foods or be a brick wall? And what about an approach many parents swear by: “Life stops until you eat (LSUYE”)?

Developed by Eva Musby, author of Anorexia and other eating disorders: how to help your child eat well and be well, this video outlines the range of approaches that have worked for others using family-based treatment, and what we know from research.

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