The Eating Disorders Care and Recovery Framework describes the best practice components of prevention, identification, risk management, treatment, recovery and support that need to be in place in a robust and capable system of care for all forms of eating disorders across the severity spectrum. It depicts eating disorders as a longitudinal experience that requires ongoing and targeted care to ensure the person and their family achieve maximum recovery and the highest level of quality of life.
The Eating Disorders Care and Recovery Framework:
- describes a system of care that moves with the person and their family through the longitudinal stages of care and recovery from eating disorders of all types including:
- prevention and awareness/identification components that are intended to reduce the development of significant eating disorders; and
- stages of critical care, acute and ongoing treatment, and recovery, quality of life and relapse prevention.
- guides the whole of community approach to service system development by identifying the components of the system and the linkages between them, including the care team and care coordination, that make up the optimal system of care.
- outlines the components that need to be addressed within the stages of care to inform the treatment and support goals with the person and their family, which in turn determine the care planning and formation of the multi-disciplinary care team – roles, processes and care coordination.
- highlights that the person with an eating disorder, in the case of adults, and/or the parent/carers and family need to be given every opportunity to play a central role in the care team, either as a significant team member or (at the very least) included in the communication and planning processes.
There are also a range of plan templates that arise out of the Framework that are intended to support care planning, documentation and communication, including the Care Plan, Risk Management Plan, Carer/Family Support Plan and the Advance Care Plan – which will be made available when finalised.
To view the full Eating Disorders Care and Recovery Framework go to our Resources and links page.